Origami models I have folded

Below is a gallery of some origami models that I have folded. Each model has a brief description including the author, the source of the diagram, and the type of paper used. I purchase my paper, many books, and folding tools from origami-shop.com founded by Nicolas Terry.

Mouse by Oriol Esteve

Mouse by Oriol Esteve folded by Grigory Sarnitsky

Mouse by Oriol Esteve, from the book Fold with the Flow. Folded from 25x25 cm kami paper. The tail has been inverted compared to the original model.

Little Dragon by Peter Buchan-Symons

Little Dragon by Peter Buchan-Symons folded by Grigory Sarnitsky

Little Dragon by Peter Buchan-Symons, from the book Folding Fantasy Volume I. Folded from 45x45 cm DUO sandwich paper.

Ground Beetle by John Montroll

Ground Beetle by John Montroll folded by Grigory Sarnitsky

Ground Beetle by John Montroll, from the book Origami for the Connoisseur. Folded from 35x35 cm Biotope paper.

Clapper Rail by Jun Maekawa

Clapper Rail by Jun Maekawa folded by Grigory Sarnitsky

Clapper Rail by Jun Maekawa, from the book Origami for the Connoisseur. Folded from 35x35 cm DUO sandwich paper.

Traditional Frog

Traditional Frog folded by Grigory Sarnitsky

Traditional Frog, folded from 25x25 cm tant (or satogami?) paper with a touch of wet folding. The particular shaping of the head was suggested by Petter Uvdal.

Deer by Jun Maekawa

Deer by Jun Maekawa folded by Grigory Sarnitsky

Deer by Jun Maekawa, from the book Genuine Japanese Origami, Book 1: 33 Mathematical Models Based Upon √2. Folded from 60x30√2 cm tissue foil paper.

Three-headed Dragon by John Montroll

Three-headed Dragon by John Montroll folded by Grigory Sarnitsky

Three-headed Dragon by John Montroll, from the book Mythological Creatures and the Chinese Zodiac Origami. Folded from 60x60 cm tissue foil paper.

Stegosaurus by John Montroll

Stegosaurus by John Montroll folded by Grigory Sarnitsky

Stegosaurus by John Montroll, from the book Dinosaur Origami. Folded from 30x30 cm kami paper.